Civil Law

At Medico-Legal Assessments, we are interested in applying our expertise and experience to a range of civil legal matters. Civil proceedings can involve matters of capacity to litigate, testamentary capacity, employment law issues, homelessness and housing law (vulnerability), Court of Protection matters (eg making LPAs), clinical negligence, and personal injury. We can provide reports on causation, prognosis and future needs in personal injury cases and for Employment tribunals; second opinions for the First-Tier Tribunal for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007); and reports under section 49 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Assessment of the causation, severity and future implications of conditions such as depression, anxiety, adjustment disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder can be critical to civil litigation outcomes. It is essential that reports are compliant with Part 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules.

At Medico-Legal Assessments, our consultants also have particular experience and expertise in neuropsychiatric conditions, such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Stroke, Huntington’s Disease and Dementia (including Alcohol-Related Brain Damage), and epilepsy related mental health conditions.

Our experts can provide expert evidence regarding

• Capacity to litigate

• Mental capacity issues (broadly) including in dementia, acquired brain injury (including stroke) and other neuropsychiatric disorders

• Disability under the Equality Act 2010 due to mental health conditions

• Vulnerability and impact on mental health if made homeless

• Treatment and prognosis of various psychiatric conditions in relation to claims

• Second opinions for First-Tier Tribunal (mental health)

• Psychiatric injury following trauma and stress

Please contact Medico-Legal Assessments ( with details of your civil case and the nature of the issues to be addressed for a response and where appropriate a quote within 24 hours. Assessments can normally be arranged within 2 weeks of receipt of instructions, and a report available within the following 2 weeks.

Enquiries from claimant and defendant solicitors, and insurance companies are all welcome.

(c) Medico-Legal Assessments, 2024